
Age Limits for Competition Categories

Download age limit file for 2024 HERE Calculating categories: For individual members: Category Calculator – click HERE to work out which category you are in! For club administrators: Category Calculation for all entrants and Explanation of Category Calculation Workbooks Please note that for membership fee purposes the age limits are different.  There is no Super-Veteran […]

Ammunition Limits and Specifications

Discipline Ammunition Specification 5-Stand Sporting 32g – 2mm to 2.50mm ATA Doubles 32g – max. size 7½ (2.4mm) – max. velocity 1290 fps.  Max. 1325 fps for 28g, max. 1350 fps for 24g ATA Trap 32g – max. size 7½ (2.4mm) – max. velocity 1290 fps.  Max. 1325 fps for 28g, max. 1350 fps for

Anti-Doping Regulations

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DOPING REGULATIONS APPLY TO ALL CLAY TARGET SHOOTING DISCIPLINES The World Anti-Doping web site link: South African Institute for Drug Free Sport: Advisory on Dietary Supplement ‘BIOGEN TESTOFORTE’

Classification System – How it Works

THE CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 1.1             Classifications : Period of calculation Classifications (i.e. members’ shooting averages in CTSASA national and provincial championships) are based upon the best eight scores out of the last ten scores, irrespective of age of the score. The web site scores currently date back to 2013. 1.2             Classifications : Listed with competition entries

Clay Target Disciplines

Trench : Included in this group are Olympic Trap, Universal Trench and Olympic Double-Trap.  Olympic Trap uses 15 trap machines which are located in a trench in front of the shooters.  Six shooters form a squad and shoot a single target in turn.  The shooters stand in a line behind the trench.  Targets are set

Clay Target Shooting Discipline Rulebooks

Listed below are all the rules and regulations related to each of the Clay Target Shooting disciplines. CTSASA COMPETITION REGULATIONS BEFORE you read the discipline rulebooks, please also refer to the CTSASA Competition Regulations, which should be read in conjunction with the international rules.  The CTSASA Competition Regulations provide the regulations governing the running of

Clay Target Shooting Range Plans

        See below to download the range plans NSSA & ISSF Skeet Ranges ABT Range Plan FITASC Universal Trench Range Plan Olympic Trap Range Plan ATA Trap Range Plan ATA Trap Range Settings Trap House – Pitted Trap House – non-Pitted              

Club Safety Rules

Download the Club Safety Rules : CTSASA CLUB SAFETY RULES                              

Competition Participation Terms and Conditions

Paid up members : All competitors must be fully paid up members of the CTSASA, which includes their registered CTSASA club and their provincial CTSA.  The on-line competition entry system will not allow an unpaid member to register their entry.  Please contact your registered club with any membership queries you may have. “No-Shows”/Cancellation (or edit)

Competition Regulations (CTSASA Regulations)

The CTSASA Competition Regulations is a set of regulations governing local conditions (bye-laws).  In this document you will find classification tables, rules for numbers of targets at CTSASA events, medal awards, provincial transfer rules, range preparation rules, provincial team rules, tie-breaking rules and much more. To download the Competition Regulations in PDF format, click HERE:

Constitution of the CTSASA

The CTSASA constitution is a very key document as it describes how the CTSASA is structured and how the association should be managed.  All members need to be familiar with the CTSASA constitution to ensure that they understand the association’s objectives and responsibilities.  To download the PDF file, click here : Constitution

Discipline Commissions : Regulations

Updated : 1st July 2019 In 2019, the CTSASA reviewed the structure of the old discipline Sub-Committees.  A new structure was approved.   The sub-committees are now named “Discipline Commissions”. To download the new regulations, please click Discipline Commissions – Regulations

Dress Code

At all CTSASA events described above, participants’ dress will be expected to be in a tidy and clean condition and should not contain any messages or slogans that may reasonably cause offence to others.  Offensive messages of a sexual or racial nature are specifically forbidden as well as any that break accepted standards of decency

Friday Competition Shooting

FULL RULES (to be incorporated in to the Competition Regulations) Updated 31st May 2022 (Exco decision : competition targets may now be shot on Friday afternoon) Optional Competition Day for Provincial Standard Championships (HC = Hosting Club) All CTSASA provincial championships are traditionally shot over two days (Saturday and Sunday). However, the HC may choose

Junior Challenge Teams – for the South African Grand

Rules applicable for 2024 teams SOUTH AFRICAN GRAND JUNIOR TEAM CHALLENGES   Rules for Qualification The CTSASA sponsors a Junior Team Challenge in three disciplines at the annual South African Grand : ATA Trap, DTL Trap and Universal Trench. Team selection is open to all CTSASA Junior members who comply with the junior age requirement

Jury Instructions for a CTSASA Championship

Jury Instructions for a CTSASA Championship PDF format Jury Instructions for a CTSASA Championship (Word format) Jury Competition Report JURY INSTRUCTIONS FOR A CTSASA CHAMPIONSHIP Revise your knowledge of the relevant discipline Ensure you have a copy of the latest rulebook with you/accessible Arrive at the championship venue in good time to check the ranges

Mackintosh International Postal Championship

  MACKINTOSH CHAMPIONSHIP The Mackintosh Championship is a separate championship held on the last day of the South African Grand.  There are class and category medals and the winner of this event is declared the Mackintosh Champion. The winner’s name is engraved on the beautiful Mackintosh floating trophy. All age criteria for the Mackintosh Championship

Member Range Safety Certificate

MEMBERS RANGE SAFETY CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE Please note that this procedure is NOT to certify Range Safety Officers (this is not a Range Safety Officer course), it is to certify CTSASA members so that they are aware of the fundamentals of range safety. The CTSASA registered club to nominate at least one person in their club

National & International Umpire Exams

NATIONAL SPORTING FITASC Umpire Application Form (local) Sporting Umpire Exam Sporting Umpire Exam Sporting Umpires Qualification Procedure   NATIONAL NSSA SKEET 2023-NSSA-Referee-Test NSSA Umpire Application Form (local)   INTERNATIONAL FITASC SPORTING & FITASC UNIVERSAL TRENCH Before applying for the international Umpire licence, you will need to be qualified as a National Umpire.  For more information,

Provincial Transfer Rules

[extract from CTSASA Competition Regulations] Provincial teams – eligibility and transfer rules All members must be registered with the CTSASA according to their residential address and will be registered in the CTSASA database as such. All members must be registered (and pay any appropriate affiliation fee) with the province for which they shoot. Persons who


We have put together a very informative and helpful 2 part series on the subject of ammunition reloading: Basic shotgun shell reloading part1 and part2, by Peter Carr. The document covers the whole process from start to finish. Several subjects including: cases, primers, powder, wads, shot, load selection and ammunition specifications are covered. Special thanks

Safety : Fundamentals of Firearm Safety

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF FIREARM SAFETY The three basic general rules of safe gun handling Always point the muzzle in a safe direction; never point a firearm at anyone or anything you don’t want to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot. Keep the action

Safety Poster

DOWNLOAD SAFETY POSTER HERE                                            

Shotgun Etiquette

Download the A4 poster for the SHOTGUN ETIQUETTE If you see anyone breaching these rules, it is your duty to : inform the shooter of their error, notify the umpire or notify a member of the jury. NEVER point your shotgun barrels at anyone, irrespective of whether the shotgun is ‘broken’ or not.  This is

Social Media Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the protection of the health, safety and well- being of all CTSASA members and those who participate in the activities of the CTSASA.  Social media, for the purpose of this policy, should broadly be understood to include, but not confined to, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, chat

Terminology Used in Clay Target Shooting

American Trap (ATA – Amateur Trapshooting Association) A discipline in Clay Target Shooting where a single trap is used to release a clay. The squad of five shooters stand in a line behind the trap and each take it in turn to shoot at a target released from the trap. Each shooter will eventually shoot

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