Download a Membership Application Form here
The sport of Clay Target Shooting has given sportsmen and women all over the world a tremendously rewarding and enjoyable pastime. It is a game of skill, using hand-to-eye co-ordination to hit moving targets flying at approximately 120km per hour. The Clay Target itself can vary in size, depending upon the discipline involved. Essentially, it is a round disc made of pitch and lime which is thrown or ‘launched’ from a machine known as a ‘trap’. A smooth-bore shotgun (not a rifle) is used to fire at the targets – the cartridge being made up of lead pellets. When the pellets hit the target, the target shatters. The most popular size of target used is 110mm in diameter, and is usually either black or orange. Flash clays can also be used (although they are expensive) which explode into a cloud of pink dust when hit.

There are thousands of licensed shotguns in South Africa, a percentage of which are used by live quarry hunters and Clay Target sportsmen. However, many of these shotguns are not used and many owners know little about their weapon. A firearm owner has an obligation to be responsible and to know his firearm – what could be a better way to do this than to have a go at Clay Target Shooting? It is an outdoor sport enjoyed by men, women and youngsters alike and is brilliant fun to take part in.
How to become a member of the CTSASA
- The first step is to visit a registered Clay Target Shooting club to discover more about our sport and what it entails. To find a club which suits you, click here:
- Once you get hooked (because when you break that first clay, you will definitely be hooked!!) and you decide to take up Clay Target Shooting, the next step is to speak to the club committee and follow their procedure for joining the club.
- Your chosen club will then enrol you with the CTSASA or you can sign up directly online (see above). You can also choose to become a TEMPORARY member (click here to find out more) which will allow you to shoot 2 events before needing to join as a full ordinary member.
- Complete and sign a CTSASA Membership Application Form and submit with your application for club membership.
- Pay the CTSASA club all the appropriate fees