CTSASA Management Structure

The management of the CTSASA is vested in the Provincial CTSAs and, as such, they are responsible for the hosting of all the CTSASA provincial and national championships under the rules and regulations as approved by the National Executive Committee.

Read below to discover how this is structured:  (one minute read)

The Clay Target Shooting Association of South Africa has been established for almost 70 years.  We were established in 1954 so in 2024 we will be celebrating 7 decades of governing Clay Target Shooting in South Africa!

From the inception of the CTSASA in 1954 (or the CPSASA as it was known then – we swapped the word ‘Pigeon’ for ‘Target’ in the 1990s) the management has always been structured around the geographical provinces.

Our constitution stipulates that we have Permanent Members, which are the provincial Clay Target Shooting Associations.  The title of Permanent Members is used interchangeably with Provincial CTSA.  For example, the KwaZulu Natal CTSA is a Permanent Member of the CTSASA.

What is the purpose of a provincial CTSA?

  1. To develop and promote Clay Target Shooting within a province
  2. To register clubs as members of the province
  3. To affiliate to the national CTSA as a Permanent Member
  4. To actively participate in the management of the national affairs of Clay Target Shooting in South Africa
  5. Co-ordinate and control the hosting of provincial events under the auspices of the CTSASA
  6. Select provincial teams for CTSASA championships
  7. Award provincial colours

All of the provincial CTSA constitutions stipulate the above responsibilities.

The CTSASA Executive Committee consists of a representative from each of the provincial CTSAs.  It is this committee which regulates the affairs and rules of the CTSASA.

What does this mean in practice?  Who runs the CTSASA’s Championships?

To summarise, the management of the CTSASA is vested in the Provincial CTSAs and, as such, they are responsible for the hosting of all the CTSASA provincial and national championships under the rules and regulations as approved by the National Executive Committee.


Provincial CTSA Executive Functions and Duties

Download the full list of functions and duties of the Provincial CTSAs HERE.

To download the CTSASA Constitution, please go to https://ctsasa.co.za/rules/?rule_item=31311

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