
Download age limit file for 2025 HERE

Calculating categories:

For individual members: Category Calculator – click HERE to work out which category you are in!

For club administrators: Category Calculation for all entrants and Explanation of Category Calculation Workbooks

Please note that for membership fee purposes the age limits are different.  There is no Super-Veteran category – only Veteran (65+).  Youth is under 23 as at 1st January in membership year.




Discipline Ammunition Specification
5-Stand Sporting 32g – 2mm to 2.50mm
ATA Doubles 32g – max. size 7½ (2.4mm) – max. velocity 1290 fps.  Max. 1325 fps for 28g, max. 1350 fps for 24g
ATA Trap 32g – max. size 7½ (2.4mm) – max. velocity 1290 fps.  Max. 1325 fps for 28g, max. 1350 fps for 24g
DTL Trap (full-use) 28g – max. size 2.6mm
English Sporting 28g – max. 2.6mm (English 6)
FITASC Sporting 28g – must be spherical – between 2.0 and 2.5mm, a tolerance of 0.1mm allowed
FITASC Universal Trench 28g – must be spherical – between 2.0 and 2.5mm, a tolerance of 0.1mm allowed
FITASC Auto Trap 300 28g – must be spherical – between 2.0 and 2.5mm, a tolerance of 0.1mm allowed
NSSA Skeet 32g – 492.2 to 507 grains max.
Olympic Double Trap 24.5g max. – max. size 2.6mm
Olympic Skeet 24.5g max. – max. size 2.6mm
Olympic Trap 24.5g max. – max. size 2.6mm


For domestic use only, the CTSASA allows reloaded ammunition to be used.  However, when an international event is held in South Africa and where the use of reloads contravenes the rules of that discipline, reloads may not be used.


Updated August 2016


The World Anti-Doping web site link:

South African Institute for Drug Free Sport:

Advisory on Dietary Supplement ‘BIOGEN TESTOFORTE’


1.1             Classifications : Period of calculation

Classifications (i.e. members’ shooting averages in CTSASA national and provincial championships) are based upon the best eight scores out of the last ten scores, irrespective of age of the score. The web site scores currently date back to 2013.

1.2             Classifications : Listed with competition entries

The classification for each competitor is listed with the final list of entries for each competition that is emailed to the HC the day after the entries close.  When an entry form is loaded on to the CTSASA web site, an ‘entries close’ date is set, which is usually the Tuesday before the date of the event, unless specified differently.

1.3             Classification list on CTSASA web site

The current classification lists can be viewed here :

1.4             Classifications : calculation method

Please see below for classification procedure that is run for each classification list.

  1. Only CTSASA national and CTSASA open provincial championship scores are used. Club competition scores and provincial closed championship scores are NOT included.
  2. A minimum of 100 targets need to be shot in order to get a classification – no maximum number of targets.
  3. Only scores of competitions within fifteen months of the report are used.
  4. A competitor who has not registered the minimum number of targets will not be recorded on the published lists and will be regarded as unclassified.

1.5             Unclassified Shooters : How to calculate a class at a CTSASA event

Unclassified competitors will be classified at a competition using the following system:

1.5.1     200 target competition in all disciplines

The total score of the first 100 targets will be applied as a percentage to the tables shown below and the competitor placed in the appropriate class for that shoot only.  In the sporting disciplines, the calculation is expressed as a percentage of the winning score e.g.: if a competitor shoots 72 and the high score for the first 100 targets is 93, then 72 as a percentage of 93 is 77.42%.  This would put the competitor in B Class.

1.5.2     100 target competitions (provincial championships)

The total score of the first three rounds will be calculated as a percentage and applied to the tables shown below for that shoot only.  For example, if a NSSA Skeet Shooter scores 65 ex 75, then this is 86.66%, which would put the competitor in B Class.

1.5.3     125 target competition – Olympic Trap

The first 75 targets (3 rounds) will be used to calculate the percentage.

1.5.4     100 target competition – Sporting

Prior to the commencement of shooting, the jury will draw the numbers of (3) three ranges and the total of the scores recorded on those ranges will be calculated as a percentage and applied to the tables shown below and the competitor placed in the appropriate category for that shoot only.  For example, if the competitor shoots 59 out of 75 and the high score for those three ranges is 70, then 59 as a percentage of 70 is 84.28% and so the competitor would be placed in A Class.  The high score for the three rounds is taken from the one competitor who scores the highest in the three rounds that the jury has selected.

1.5.5     Classification Percentages

To see the current percentages, please see the Competition Regulations (these are the local rules which apply to our competitions).


1: Trench 

Included in this group are Olympic Trap and Universal Trench  Olympic Trap uses 15 trap machines which are located in a trench in front of the shooters.  Six shooters form a squad and shoot a single target in turn.  The shooters stand in a line behind the trench.  Targets are set in different ‘patterns’.  Universal Trench uses the same shooting range as Olympic Trap, but only uses the middle 5 machines.  Shooters shoot targets in rotation as per Olympic Trap.  The patterns of targets are different.  Maximum cartridge loads are 24g for Olympic disciplines and 28g for Universal Trench.

2 : Trap 

Included in this group are ATA Trap, DTL Trap, Double-Rise, ATA Trap Doubles and FITASC TRAP1.  A single trap is located 16 yards in front of the line of shooters.  There are 5 shooters in a squad and each shoot a single target in turn for both ATA Trap and DTL Trap.  The main difference between the two is that only one cartridge may be loaded for ATA but both barrels can be used for DTL.  The widest angle for the target also varies between the two disciplines.  Maximum cartridge load for ATA is 32g and 28g for DTL and TRAP1.  ATA Trap Doubles and Double-Rise are where two targets are launched off the same machine and the shooter must fire one shot at each target.  All disciplines are shot over the same shooting range.  In 2017 FITASC introduced a new discipline called TRAP1, which is similar to DTL Trap but shot over a Trench range. There are 6 shooters to a squad, maximum load is 28g.

3 : Skeet 

Included in this group are English Skeet, NSSA Skeet, Olympic Skeet and NSSA Skeet Doubles.  The same range is used for all disciplines.  The differences between them are variations of shooting sequences and speeds/distances of targets.  Two trap ‘houses’ are located at opposite ends of a semi circle.  Single targets are launched at which the shooter has only one shot.  On some stands, two targets will be launched simultaneously (one target from each trap house).  Maximum cartridge loads are 24g for Olympic Skeet, 28g for English Skeet and 32g for NSSA Skeet and NSSA Skeet Doubles.

4 : Sporting

Included in this group are English Sporting, 5-Stand Sporting and FITASC Sporting.  The main theme is the simulation of live field shooting.  Targets must comply with strict range setting rules for safety and fairness.  English Sporting is mainly set using combinations of ‘doubles’, also known as ‘pairs’ – in other words, two targets (one shot at each target) where the shooter has one shot at each target.  FITASC Sporting is more difficult in that there is a far greater variation of targets using both singles and doubles.  5-Stand Sporting uses Sporting targets but the group/squad of shooters stand in a line and shoot a target one after the other (unlike in the other two disciplines where only one shooter is on the shooting stand).  Maximum cartridge loads are 28g for all Sporting disciplines except 32g for 5-Stand Sporting.

For purposes of clarity, we put our disciplines into either ‘standard’ and ‘sporting’ groups.  Standard being numbers 1 – 3 above because they are shot over fixed ranges with targets that are set according to very rigid rules on their trajectory and speed.

Each discipline has a different limitation on the shot size and load for ammunition.  Please check the latest rules for exact specifications.

Listed below are all the rules and regulations related to each of the Clay Target Shooting disciplines.


BEFORE you read the discipline rulebooks, please also refer to the CTSASA Competition Regulations, which should be read in conjunction with the international rules.  The CTSASA Competition Regulations provide the regulations governing the running of CTSASA competitions and cover classifications, shoot-off rules (resolving ties), squadding, dress code, medal awards etc.  You can download the CTSASA Competition Regulations here.


5-Stand Sporting  –  5-Stand Sporting Rules


ATA Trap, ATA Doubles  –  Download the rules here
For more information on amendments and by-laws visit:  May 2016 : ATA Failure to Fire rules

ATA Trap and DTL Trap Rule Synopsis


DTL Trap, English SportingDownload the rules here  (Rulebook No. 1) For more information on amendments and by-laws visit:


FITASC Sporting Download the FULL rules here – For more information on amendments and by-laws visit:

FITASC Competition Cancellation Policy – effective from 1st January 2025


1. Single page quick refresher : PDF download

2. Two page detailed summary : PDF download

FITASC Universal TrenchDowload the rules here For more information on amendments and by-laws visit:

FITASC TRAP1 –  Download the rules here


NSSA Skeet, NSSA Skeet Doubles Download the rules here . For more information on amendments and by-laws visit:

NSSA Skeet Rulebook for Umpires – Afrikaans translation


Olympic Disciplines For more information on rules,  amendments and by-laws visit:

Olympic Discipline Rules : Overview of Main Rules


If you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Tel: 044 620 4178


Download the Club Safety Rules :

















Paid up members :

All competitors must be fully paid up members of the CTSASA, which includes their registered CTSASA club and their provincial CTSA.  The on-line competition entry system will not allow an unpaid member to register their entry.  Please contact your registered club with any membership queries you may have.

“No-Shows”/Cancellation (or edit) Entry

If you need to cancel (or edit) your competition entry, then you can do so by logging in to your profile, click on your name and then scroll down to view the competitions in which you are entered.  You can cancel or edit the entry here.  No-Show : If you fail to cancel your entry with the official Organising Committee prior to the commencement of the championship, and do not attend the championship, then the hosting club is entitled to charge the member half of the advertised entry fee.  The member would then be declared not in good standing and will be unable to compete in further events until the outstanding fee is paid (rule 6.2 of the CTSASA Competition Regulations).

Competitors may be asked to Umpire and/or Score

Competitors may be called upon to umpire and/or score at CTSASA provincial and national championships.  Please ensure that you are familiar with all the rules pertaining to the discipline(s) that you shoot and understand that there may be penalties if you refuse to score.

Photographs of Competitors and Events

The CTSASA reserves the right to publish photographs and/or video of competitors at CTSASA championships in any of the CTSASA publication platforms (Clay News, electronic newsletter, Facebook or web site).  Please notify the CTSASA Executive Officer if you do not wish your image to be used on any of these media –  Please note that the CTSASA has no control over members who publish their own photos on their own social media.

Personal contact information

Your personal email and cell number may be sent to the hosting club to ensure that they can contact you with squadding details, queries etc.

Safety Rules :

All participants in CTSASA championships are obliged to adhere to all safety rules.  Each individual discipline rulebook is very specific in how competitors should behave with regard to safety.  In addition, the CTSASA has the following specific rules which govern safety on Clay Target Shooting ranges:

Member Safety Leaflet

Club Safety Poster

Club Safety Rules

Applicable Rules :

Please note that it is the sole responsibility, and duty, of the competitor to be fully conversant with all the relevant rules.  All the rulebooks are available on the CTSASA web site here

CTSASA Competition Regulations :

This set of rules is in addition to the individual discipline rulebooks.  This rulebook covers classification percentages, eligibility rules, age limits, provincial transfer rules, shoot-off rules (breaking ties), dress code and much more.  Download the Competition Regulations HERE.

Squadding & Shooting Timetable:

The Host Club will always endeavour to squad competitors in all the disciplines they have requested.  However, due to time and range constraints, this may not always be possible.  This is particularly true for the standard championships (Skeet, Trap and Trench disciplines).

At all times, the onus is on the competitor to ensure he/she knows when they are shooting.  Enquiries should be directed to the Shoot Organiser.

Eye & Ear Protection is Mandatory in all disciplines :

This is a South African law which governs all SABS certified shooting ranges.  There are no exceptions to this rule.

National Trials :

CTSASA provincial and national championships are National Trials as per the National Trial Position Schedules and Regulations.   However!  Please note that sometimes due to the date of the designated events that some provincial/national championships might NOT be a national trial.

For more information please click HERE.

Please note that members are required to register for National Trials as per the regulations HERE.

Number of Targets in Championships

  Provincial Championship South African Championship
ATA, ATA Trap Doubles, NSSA, NSSA Skeet Doubles, Universal Trench, DTL Trap, FITASC Trap1 100 targets 200 targets
Olympic Trap

Olympic Skeet


100 targets (additional trials are 125 targets) 125 targets
Olympic Double-Trap 120 targets 150 targets
English Sporting 200 targets 200 targets
FITASC Sporting 200 targets 200 targets

Please note!  All competitors must shoot the full number of targets in a competition in order to be eligible for medals and/or prizes.


For more information…………..

All the rules are on the CTSASA web site here :


The CTSASA Competition Regulations is a set of regulations governing local conditions (bye-laws).  In this document you will find classification tables, rules for numbers of targets at CTSASA events, medal awards, provincial transfer rules, range preparation rules, provincial team rules, tie-breaking rules and much more.

To download the Competition Regulations in PDF format, click HERE: Competition Regulations

To download the JURY REPORT, click HERE : Jury Competition Report

Jury Task Summary (What does the jury do for me?)

Click HERE to access the Competition Administration page (for all downloadable forms and rules)

The CTSASA constitution is a very key document as it describes how the CTSASA is structured and how the association should be managed.  All members need to be familiar with the CTSASA constitution to ensure that they understand the association’s objectives and responsibilities.  To download the PDF file, click here : Constitution

Updated : 1st July 2019

In 2019, the CTSASA reviewed the structure of the old discipline Sub-Committees.  A new structure was approved.   The sub-committees are now named “Discipline Commissions”.

To download the new regulations, please click Discipline Commissions – Regulations

At all CTSASA events described above, participants’ dress will be expected to be in a tidy and clean condition and should not contain any messages or slogans that may reasonably cause offence to others.  Offensive messages of a sexual or racial nature are specifically forbidden as well as any that break accepted standards of decency and good taste.  The byword for the standard to be achieved will be “smart/casual”.  Examples of appearance or garments considered unacceptable under this Code:-

  • Nakedness of the trunk or limbs other than lower arms or legs
  • Wearing of shooting vests over naked flesh
  • Sleeveless shirts or tops (other than shooting vests)
  • Cut-off jeans or trousers, or any type of shorts other than tailored shorts
  • Torn, slashed or shredded shirts, jeans, trousers or skirts
  • No military wear or military bags of any type are permitted, including any military camouflage trousers, shirts, jackets , hats/caps, boots or shoes. Furthermore, no civilian clothing made with a camouflage print of any description is permitted.

Shotguns that have been painted with a camouflage pattern are permitted in domestic competitions only (see below for the prohibition of camouflage painted shotguns in the Olympic disciplines).


Footwear : it is compulsory for all competitors to wear closed in footwear at all times in CTSASA competitions.  “Closed in” refers to footwear that covers the foot completely.  This means that both toes and heels are not visible.  Sandals of any form are strictly prohibited.

Eye & ear protection

Eye and ear protection is mandatory for all competitors at all CTSASA events.  Eye protection is the wearing of spectacles (glasses).  Ear protection is either plugs or ear muffs.  This is to ensure compliance with the SABS standards as applied to shooting ranges, as well as all the individual discipline rules.


At any event at which this dress code (including 12.5.4 above) is in operation, any participant found to be in breach of any of the provisions contained herein will be asked to rectify his/her appearance without delay.  Failure to comply with such instruction will disqualify the offender from further participation in the event, without the right to a refund, and may additionally render him/her liable to disciplinary action under the CTSASA Constitution.  The jury at each CTSASA championship has the authority to determine whether the dress code has been breached or not.


All members must note that in addition to the above dress code, the ISSF strictly prohibits the following:-

  • Any item of clothing made of camouflage material
  • Blue jeans are prohibited
  • Shotguns may NOT have a camouflage finish
  • Any excessively worn, dirty or derelict clothing or footwear
  • Any other garments or personal appearances that go against the spirit of this Code or that seek to exploit any possible loophole within it, at the discretion of the persons named in clause 5.2, above.
  • Bermuda type shorts, which have the bottom of the leg more than 15cm above the center of the kneecap, are not allowed.

All ISSF (Olympic) competitors must also comply with the relevant sponsorship rules as contained in the ISSF rulebook.



























Optional Competition Day for Provincial Standard Championships

(HC = Hosting Club)

  • All CTSASA provincial championships are traditionally shot over two days (Saturday and Sunday). However, the HC may choose to offer competitors the option of shooting 100 competition targets on the Friday preceding their provincial championship, i.e. the day before the start of the provincial championship.
  • The HC must communicate well in advance of the Standard Championship that the option to shoot competition scores on the Friday is available.
  • This option is only available for standard provincial championships.
  • The option of shooting competition targets on a Friday is not guaranteed and is subject to the HC receiving the minimum number of entries to fill the squads.
  • Setting up the Juries : The standard rules for setting up the Juries for a CTSASA championship apply to Friday Competition Shooting. Please refer to the CTSASA Competition Regulations.
  • Full squads required : all squads must conform to the rules governing the filling of squads. No squads may be less than 3 in number.
  • All competition events on the Friday should ideally be shot in the morning and completed by no later than 11h30. Friday afternoon is reserved for practice rounds.  Practice for all disciplines must be made available on the Friday afternoon.
  • At all times, the provincial CTSA Management, in conjunction with the HC Management, has the discretion to allocate the available competition targets for the disciplines to be shot at their provincial championship.
  • The limit of shooting 200 targets in any one discipline at a provincial championship still applies, i.e. a competitor may not shoot 300 targets in any one discipline.
  • The disciplines available to be shot on a Friday are as follows:-

ATA Trap (singles) : maximum 2 squads per range

ATA Trap Doubles

DTL Trap : maximum 2 squads per range

Universal Trench : maximum 2 squads per range

NSSA Skeet (singles) : maximum 2 squads per range

NSSA Skeet Doubles

  • ‘Per range’ = if a club has one range for a discipline (e.g. one Trap range), then 2 squads can shoot the discipline.  If a club has two ranges (e.g. two Trap ranges) then 4 squads can shoot.
  • If an HC hosts competition targets on a Friday, then the HC MUST make practice ranges available the day before, i.e. the Thursday.
  • Members shooting practice rounds may not shoot in the same squads with competitors shooting competition rounds.
  • Rotation of squads and ranges shooting competition targets : where an HC has two ranges in any discipline, e.g. two Skeet ranges, the competition targets shot on a Friday must be shot equally over both ranges i.e. 2 rounds on Range 1 and 2 rounds on Range 2.
  • During the morning, practice rounds may be shot on ranges not being used for competition rounds.
  • Practice for Universal Trench competitors :
  • UT competitors who shoot their provincial championship targets on Friday may only shoot their practice rounds on the Thursday.
  • UT competitors who start their competition on Saturday may shoot their UT practice rounds on either Thursday or Friday.
  • To be clear, any UT competitor who shoots their first 100 competition targets on Friday may NOT practice UT on Friday afternoon.
  • Any UT competitor who shoots their first 100 competition targets on Friday and who contravenes this rule will be immediately disqualified from the championship.
  • Squadding/Timetable : (new clause in Competition Regulations “Competition Procedures”) : Once the squadding lists and shooting timetable(s) have been published, competitors may not request any changes to their choice of days to shoot their chosen events.

Any cancellation of entries by the competitor must be notified to the Organising Committee as soon as practically possible.

The OC may only alter the shooting timetable to facilitate last minute changes due to

i. Cancellations or

ii. Late entries in accordance with the rules or

iii. To correct errors caused by incorrect calculations of the timetable.

The OC is not permitted to alter the squadding or timetable due to competitors requesting late personal preferences (e.g. choice of day, choice of squad or refusal to shoot with a particular competitor).

The rule concerning competition entries cut-off point in the Competition Regulations must be strictly enforced:

No entries can be accepted after commencement of the competition

It is mandatory that no entries shall be accepted for any discipline after the first shot has been fired which signifies the start of the competition, except in ATA where entries can be accepted until Squad 1 has completed its first round.  See rule IV, D3 (Firing Position and Shooting Order) in the ATA rulebook.

Rules applicable for 2025 teams


Rules for Qualification

The CTSASA sponsors a Junior Team Challenge in three disciplines at the annual South African Grand : ATA Trap, DTL Trap and Universal Trench.

Team selection is open to all CTSASA Junior members who comply with the junior age requirement for each discipline (check here for the age requirements)

  • Selection is based upon the CTSASA Classification List for each discipline
  • Best 200 targets to count – targets to be no older than one year
  • The cut-off for calculating the average for each Junior for 2025 will be the CTSASA Limpopo Standard Championships in March 2025
  • Two teams per discipline are selected, three Juniors per team*, or 3 teams of 2*
  • Update May 2022 : team composition will be randomised to create teams of different skill levels, e.g. top qualifier will be paired up with third qualifier.  The Executive Officer will be responsible for the randomised team composition.

There are three Junior Team Challenge events :

  1. DTL Trap – 100 targets per team member to be shot = 300 targets shot per team (the competition day is announced by the CTSASA prior to the event)
  2. ATA Trap – 100 targets per team member to be shot = 300 targets shot per team (the competition day is announced by the CTSASA prior to the event)
  3. Universal Trench – 100 targets per team member to be shot = 300 targets shot per team (the competition day is announced by the CTSASA prior to the event)
  • The CTSASA pays the entry fee for each Junior team member for the Junior Team Challenge event only (i.e. for 100 targets).  All other costs are for the account of the Junior.
  • Team shirts are provided which must be worn for the Junior Team Challenge and for official photographs.
  • Official invitations will be sent out once the results for the final event have been processed.
  • Ties are resolved using the last score used.  If the tie is still unresolved then we will use the scores of the individual rounds in the last score used.
  • The targets shot are in the respective South African Championship at the South African Grand.
  • Juniors must please enter the event(s) via the CTSASA web site.  The Shoot Organiser will liaise with the CTSASA with regard to entry fees due.

* the CTSASA reserves the right to reduce the number of team members if insufficient Juniors are available for the Junior Team Challenge

All enquiries to the CTSASA Executive Officer –

Jury Instructions for a CTSASA Championship PDF format

Jury Instructions for a CTSASA Championship (Word format)

Jury Competition Report


  1. Revise your knowledge of the relevant discipline
  2. Ensure you have a copy of the latest rulebook with you/accessible
  3. Arrive at the championship venue in good time to check the ranges
  4. Inform the Convenor of your arrival and availability to check the ranges
  5. Read through the duties of a Jury member in the above document
  6. Complete the Jury Report if you are the Jury Convenor



Please note that this procedure is NOT to certify Range Safety Officers (this is not a Range Safety Officer course), it is to certify CTSASA members so that they are aware of the fundamentals of range safety.

  1. The CTSASA registered club to nominate at least one person in their club to be a designated Safety Officer. In order to do this, please download a Safety Officer Registration Form and regulations.
  2. Once the club has registered their Safety Officer(s), the Safety Officer will undertake to instruct and examine any member who wishes to acquire a Range Safety Certificate.
  3. The member will need to read the “Range Safety Regulations” plus be aware of other general safety rules.
  4. The member will then be required to answer the Clay Target Shooting Range Safety Test which comprises 15 questions. This is an ‘open book’ test.
  5. The Safety Officer will then submit the test result paper with a Range Safety Certificate Request form to the CTSASA Executive Officer –
  6. The Executive Officer will then issue the Range Safety Certificate to the member.
  7. Please note that this certification process is only applicable to CTSASA members.

There is no charge for this certification process.


Safety Leaflet – Member A5 booklet











FITASC Umpire Application Form (local) Sporting Umpire Exam

Sporting Umpire Exam

Sporting Umpires Qualification Procedure




NSSA Umpire Application Form (local)



Before applying for the international Umpire licence, you will need to be qualified as a National Umpire.  For more information, please contact Sarah Kalell, Executive Officer. or 044 620 4178.

[extract from CTSASA Competition Regulations]

Provincial teams – eligibility and transfer rules

  • All members must be registered with the CTSASA according to their residential address and will be registered in the CTSASA database as such.
  • All members must be registered (and pay any appropriate affiliation fee) with the province for which they shoot.
  • Persons who are full-time students in a province different from their domicile province may represent the province in which they are studying provided that they do not represent any other province during the same calendar year.
  • A new member may be registered in a province different from his/her residential province under the following circumstances:-
    • The member has not previously been a member of the CTSASA at any time
    • The member is notified of these regulations by the EO at the time of acceptance of membership and, by implication, is fully aware of the terms of these regulations.
    • No application to the CTSASA Exco is necessary.
  • A lapsed member may rejoin the CTSASA in the year (or subsequent years) following the lapse of the membership and register with a different province without application to the CTSASA.  No transfer fee is required.
  • An existing member, whether or not he/she moves residence may transfer province on the following conditions:
    • An application from him/her must be submitted to the EO on the appropriate form (obtainable from the EO or from the CTSASA web site).
    • January transfers : all transfer applications during the month of January do not require approval from the existing province.  All transfer applications during the month of January are not subject to the transfer fee of R2000.
    • February to December transfers :   The member must be in good standing with his /her current province and the CTSASA before the application can be processed.  “Good standing” means that the member has paid all required membership fees and outstanding monies; that the member is not under any disciplinary action and that the member is considered a fully paid up member of both his/her current province and the CTSASA.  The transfer fee of R2000 is applicable for all transfers taking place during February to December.  With the exception of clause 6.7 below.
    • The member must notify (in writing) his/her existing provincial chairman of his/her intended transfer at the time of submitting his/her application to transfer.
    • Approval by receiving province : before any transfer can take place, the receiving province (i.e. the province to where the member is transferring) must send written confirmation to the CTSASA office that they have accepted the transfer request.
    • The member may represent his/her new province once the relevant approvals have been given and the transfer fee paid where applicable.

6.7  From February to December, at the sole discretion of the CTSASA President, an existing member in good standing (as per the definition in 9.6.3 above) may apply to transfer province due to a physical relocation of permanent residence without the fee as per clause 9.6.2. Each application will be assessed by the President of the CTSASA.  The decision of the President will be final.

Definition of lapsed member : A member whose membership was considered terminated under the CTSASA Constitution (clause 8.2), i.e. no payment for membership subscription was received by the CTSASA office by the 31st March in the subscription year, with no subsequent renewal of membership during that same calendar year.

To download a transfer application form, click HERE

We have put together a very informative and helpful 2 part series on the subject of ammunition reloading: Basic shotgun shell reloading part1 and part2, by Peter Carr.

The document covers the whole process from start to finish. Several subjects including: cases, primers, powder, wads, shot, load selection and ammunition specifications are covered.
Special thanks to Peter Carr and the Reloaders Association of South Africa.

Download the full document here

Reloaders Association of S.A.
PO BOX 7155
Birchleigh, Kempton Park, 1621

Secretary : Cassie Nienaber – 082 412 5344


The three basic general rules of safe gun handling

  1. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction; never point a firearm at anyone or anything you don’t want to shoot.
  2. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
  3. Keep the action open and the gun unloaded until you are ready to use it.


Safety rules related to the shooter and his behaviour

  1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
  2. Never pass a firearm to another person, or accept a firearm from another person, until the cylinder or action is open and you’ve personally checked that the weapon is completely unloaded.
  3. Before handling any firearm, understand its operation.
  4. Never rely on any mechanical device for safety.
  5. Think before shooting; once you pull the trigger you can’t take back the shot you’ve just fired!
  6. Never joke around or engage in horseplay while handling or using firearms.
  7. Be alert at all times; never shoot if you’re tired, cold or impaired in any way. Don’t mix alcohol or drugs with shooting.
  8. Don’t sleep with a loaded firearm in your bedroom if you sleepwalk, have nightmares, sleep restlessly or have other sleep problems.
  9. Safeguard your sight, hearing and health. Always wear eye and ear protection. Endeavour to limit your exposure to heavy metal particulars and gases, and minimize your contact with aromatic organic solvents (such as those commonly used in gun cleaning products).
  10. If you see unsafe behaviour any time when firearms are being handled or used, speak up and take action to correct the unsafe behaviour at once.
  11. Receive competent instruction from a qualified person before beginning to shoot. If questions arise later, after you’ve been shooting for a period of time, get answers to those questions from a competent authority.

Safety rules related to your target

  1. Positively identify your target and the threat it poses before firing at it.
  2. What is behind your target? Always make sure that a stray shot, or a bullet, which penetrates its intended target through and through, will be safely stopped.
  3. Never shoot at a hard surface, or at water – your shot may glance off, ricochet and injure someone.
  4. Never shoot at glass bottles, living trees, or inappropriate targets which would create a hazard for other persons or damage the environment.
  5. Never shoot a rifle or handgun directly upwards, or at a high angle of elevation. Even a rimfire .22 bullet fired at an angle into the air can have enough energy a mile and a half away to accidentally kill someone!
  6. Never shoot across a highway or other roadway.
  7. Never vandalise a road sign (or other public or private property) by using it as a target.
  8. Never poach a game animal out of season, or shoot any game animal you don’t intend to eat. Do not poach at all!

Safety rules related to your firearm

  1. Make sure your firearm is in good mechanical condition before firing it. Periodically have your firearm checked for signs of erosion, cracking, or wear by the factory, by a qualified armourer, or by a factory certified gunsmith.
  2. Never try to fire a gun which may have a plugged or partially obstructed barrel.
  3. Insure that any modifications made to a firearm are made by a qualified individual, and that those modifications don’t interfere with your firearm’s safety features.
  4. Be sure all accessories, such as holsters and grips, are compatible with the firearm and won’t interfere with its safe operation.
  5. Remember: a backup firearm caried about your person may be highly valuable to you in the event your primary firearm is ever rendered inoperable or is taken from you by an assailant.
  6. It is your responsibility to ensure that your firearm is always either about your person or under your personal control, or positively secured from access by children or other unauthorised parties. Prevent tragedy: lock down your firearms when they aren’t in use.
  7. When storing a firearm for a long period of time, consider storing the slide, bolt, or other critical components of the firearm separately under separate lock and key.
  8. Never carry a single action revolver with a round under the hammer unless that revolver is a modern transfer-bar type, equipped with an inertial firing pin.
  9. Never carry a pistol with a round in the chamber unless the pistol has an automatic firing-pin block and/or an inertial firing pin.
  10. Generally avoid carrying or storing an external hammer-type firearm with its hammer cocked. Exercise extreme care in decocking any external hammer firearm:  it is very easy to experience an accidental discharge while doing so if your thumb slips off the hammer.
  11. Generally avoid unloading a firearm by working the cartridges through the action one-at-a-time; if possible, drop the magazine and then eject the round (which may be left in the chamber) instead.
  12. Never use a scope mounted on a firearm as a general purpose spotting scope; while observing an area you may end up accidentally aiming your firearm at fellow hunters, or other non-targets.
  13. Avoid trying to catch a live round (while unloading a semi-automatic pistol) by cupping your hand around the ejection port while retracting the slide; doing so may result in an accidental discharge.

Safety rules related to ammunition

  1. Be sure your gun and ammunition are compatible. Shooting incorrect ammunition in a firearm may cause it to be damaged or even make it blow up.
  2. Relying on ammunition, which doesn’t feed reliably in your particular firearm, may make your firearm malfunction at a critical juncture: get experience with a particular lot of ammunition in your firearm before relying on it for defensive purposes.
  3. Use only ammunition recommended for your firearm by its manufacturer. Never fire ammunition which exceeds industry standard pressure specifications.  Overpressure ammunition will reduce the service life of your handgun, and puts you and those around you at risk of a catastrophic firearm failure.
  4. Use reloaded ammunition judiciously. Be aware that many firearms manufacturers specifically forbid the use of reloaded ammunition in their products, and will void their products warranty if you elect to use reloaded ammunition in contravention of their instructions.

Also remember that a cartridge which has : the wrong powder, no powder charge, or too large a powder charge; an inverted primer, mis-seated primer, the wrong type of primer or an inert primer; a mis-crimped case; incorrect overall length or any of a host of other defects may seriously jeopardise your safety, the safety of those around you, and/or the reliability of your firearm in a defence situation.

Many shooters prepare and safely use reloaded ammunition each day and it can be an economical way to stretch your ammunition budget, but the safety of that reloaded ammunition directly depends upon the care, components, equipment and practices used in preparing it.

  1. Carry only one calibre of ammunition when shooting. Accidentally grabbing the wrong ammunition while shooting can result in a shooter or third party being injured, or damage or destruction of a firearm.
  2. Ensure you carry sufficient spare ammunition for your defensive firearm, and make sure you carry it in a readily employable fashion (such as in spare magazines or in speed loaders).
  3. Store ammunition that isn’t being used under lock and key, inaccessible to unauthorised parties and children.
  4. Dispose of unwanted ammunition safely

Safety rules related to your firearm’s holster and ammo carrier

  1. Always use a holster which is designed for, and which fits, your handgun.
  2. make sure your holster covers the trigger guard of your handgun.
  3. Purchase a holster which allows you to obtain a secure grip on your handgun while it is still holstered.
  4. Be sure the thumb break, safety strap, or other firearm retention device on your holster is functional and consistently employed. A good holster should retain your firearm and will be secure against determined attempts at disarmament, or keep a firearm secure during all possible physical activities.
  5. Avoid clip-on holsters and magazine pouches. These carriers may fail to stay clipped to the belt and end up being drawn along with the firearm or the magazine they still hold, thereby interfering with the use of the firearm or with timely reloading.
  6. Avoid paddle-style holsters; cross draw holsters, and similar holsters, which provide poor weapon retention.
  7. Avoid ankle holsters, shoulder holsters and other types of holsters, which can introduce unnecessary delays in accessing a defensive firearm.
  8. Avoid carrying a defensive firearm in a purse, pocketbook, daypack or briefcase. A firearm carried in that fashion is:
  • Typically hard to rapidly access due to the presence of slow-to-open zippers, multiple latches etc.
  • Often hard to find and draw amidst all the other items routinely carried, since few purses or briefcases include a dedicated handgun-carrying compartment.
  • Prone to being unavailable when needed, since briefcases, purses and other carriers are routinely set down or put away in a desk drawer where they may or may not be readily accessible and under your physical control.
  • Unusually vulnerable to being stolen, since purses, pocketbooks, daypacks and briefcases are prime targets for purse-snatchers, pick pockets, muggers and thieves.
  • Prone to malfunction in an emergency since materials carried along with your handgun in a purse or briefcase may gum up the firearms’ mechanism and potentially interfere with its proper operation and
  • likely to allow your handgun to accidentally become visible to shop clerks, bank tellers or other parties while you are searching for your chequebook or locating a credit card, and that inadvertent exposure may potentially result in a tense situation or even tragic over-reaction on the part of an individual noticing the firearm and/or summoning law enforcement officers to the scene.
  1. Never carry a handgun tucked into your belt or waistband without a holster (i.e. so-called “Mexican carry”). A handgun carried in this fashion may unintentionally get dislodged, fall onto a hard surface and accidentally discharge or get damaged.  Inside the waistband-type holsters will allow you to obtain the concealment of this type of carry while simultaneously providing vastly improved firearm retention.
  2. Always employ a proper magazine holder or speed loader carrier to carry your spare ammunition. Select a design that secures and protects your speed loaders or magazines while still making them readily available for use.  Avoid ammunition loops and ammo dump boxes.
  3. Never put a partially empty magazine or speed loader back into a magazine carrier or speed loader pouch; only full magazines or full speed loaders belong in a carrier. Partially empty magazines or speed loaders should go into your pocket; empty magazines or speed loaders should be allowed to fall where they are used during an emergency.


  1. At a range, obey the commands of the range officers, or any individual calling “cease fire” at once. Read, know and follow any rules peculiar to a particular range that you may be using.
  2. Be careful of hot gases and metal shavings ejected at the forcing cone of a revolver.
  3. Keep your finger and other parts of your body away from the muzzle, the rear of the slide and the ejection area of a semi-automatic pistol.
  4. In the event of a misfire, keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, remove your finger from the trigger, wait ten seconds, then eject the cartridge and dispose of it properly.
  5. If you hear an unusual sound upon squeezing the trigger or feel unusual recoil, stop shooting and investigate. You may have experienced a “squib” load (or under-powered cartridge), and it may have caused a bore obstruction.  Keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction, remove your finger from the trigger, wait ten seconds, then unload the firearm and safely examine the barrel, checking carefully for any possible obstructions before reloading and resuming shooting.
  6. NEVER:
  • Climb a tree with a loaded firearm
  • Cross a fence with a loaded firearm
  • Jump a ditch or ford a stream with a loaded firearm
  • Scale or descend a steep incline or hill with a loaded firearm
  • Climb into a hunting stand with a loaded firearm
  • Prop or lean a loaded firearm against a tree or other surface which may allow it to slide or
  • Transport a cased loaded firearm
  1. Always carry your firearms in a way which will allow you to control where the muzzle is pointing, should you stumble or fall.
  2. A ballistic vest may substantially improve your chances of surviving an armed encounter on the street.
  3. Blackpowder (and replica blackpowder) firearms require additional safety precautions not discussed here. Obtain qualified instruction in the safe operation of black powder firearms before attempting to load or fire any such firearm.
  4. Circumstances may require additional safety rules unique to a particular situation.


When you are not using your firearm, you should ensure that it is stored safely.  Affirmative measures designed to prevent unauthorised access to a defensive fiream by minors, or firearm theft, include:

  1. Use of a simplex-type locking box for securing firearms, which need to be kept loaded yet available for easy-access defensive use and
  2. Use of trigger locks or padlocks to secure firearms which don’t need to be kept immediately available for defensive use.


  1. Gun security devices, which rely solely on physical strength to secure firearms from unauthorised use are generally undesirable since ingenious children can potentially employ leverage or tools to overcome those devices.
  2. “Hiding” a firearm won’t secure it from discovery and possible misuse by curious children or intruders.
  3. Metal gun cabinets or gun safes can be used to safeguard firearms from unauthorised access or theft in many circumstances and metal gun cabinets or gun safes are generally preferable to open racks or glass-front cabinets.
  4. Firearms should be stored unloaded and separate from ammunition when the firearm isn’t needed for ready-access defensive use.
  5. You may want to store critical components of a firearm (such as the guns bolt or slide) separately from the rest of the firearm when the gun won’t be used in the immediate future.
  6. Consider engraving your firearms with your identity number and drivers license number to deter theft and facilitate the return of stolen firearms, which may happen to be recovered.
  7. Explore “gun-proofing” your child by proper training, and by controlled and closely supervised access to firearms to reduce your child’s natural unsatisfied curiosity about firearms.




Download the A4 poster for the SHOTGUN ETIQUETTE

If you see anyone breaching these rules, it is your duty to :
inform the shooter of their error, notify the umpire or notify a member of the jury.

  • NEVER point your shotgun barrels at anyone, irrespective of whether the shotgun is ‘broken’ or not.  This is grounds for instant disqualification.
  • The only exception to the above is when testing gun fit and eye position.  This must be done away from other people, the gun must be shown to be empty to those doing the testing and the shotgun pointing down range or at a pattern board.  Never test gun fit or eye position in the club house or in any vehicle parking area!
  • When on a shooting stand, never load your shotgun and then pull the stock to the barrels with the barrels resting on your foot, resulting in a loaded shotgun pointing at your foot.  You might think no-one would do this but this has been seen on the odd occasion.
  • Never carry your shotgun with the barrels pointing backwards – people walking behind you cannot see that the gun is empty and you are in danger of damaging both your barrels (on unseen obstacles) and other shooters!  PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!
  • When on a shooting stand, your shotgun should be pointing down range at all times.  The shotgun should not be swung beyond the angle of firing. 
  • Move from stand to stand as detailed in the relevant discipline rules. E.g. in Trap, stay on the stand until told to move by the umpire. In Trench, wait for the shooter after you to shoot, then move to the next stand and wait for that shooter to move, then get on the stand.
  • In Trap, your shotgun can be open and loaded when waiting for your turn to shoot BUT when moving from stand to stand, you MUST unload your shotgun before moving.  That’s why the umpire says ‘BREAK, UNLOAD AND CHANGE”.
  • When carrying a semi-automatic shotgun or pump-action shotgun, the barrels should be pointing upwards, the breech open and facing forwards.  Alternatively, carry the shotgun in a gun bag.
  • If you have a malfunction, follow the rules for your discipline – never, EVER turn around with your shotgun!  Always keep the shotgun pointing down range!!
  • Remember, treat EVERY gun as though it is loaded unless it is proven NOT to be loaded

Thank you for being safe!

Everyone’s safety is every shooter’s responsibility!











The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the protection of the health, safety and well- being of all CTSASA members and those who participate in the activities of the CTSASA.  Social media, for the purpose of this policy, should broadly be understood to include, but not confined to, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, chat rooms, electronic newsletters, message boards, microblogs, online forums, wikis, and other social networking sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a contemporaneous manner.

  1. Social media in all its forms is now so easily accessible that the opportunity to both post and receive improper comments and statements has dramatically increased. Bullying and harassment in all forms is considered by the CTSASA to be unacceptable.
  1. Messages or statements made using social media are often instantaneous and, whilst a useful medium to promote our sport, improper use thereof to post inappropriate messages is a form of bullying. Cyber bullying has the potential to cause great anxiety and distress to the recipient. There is not a specific law which makes cyber bullying illegal but it can be considered a criminal offence under various laws. For more information, please visit this web site:
  1. Frustration at a referee, another competitor, club official, coach, visitor or governing body should never be communicated via social media, but rather by way of reasoned, logical verbal and/or written statements through the proper channels.
  1. The CTSASA acknowledges the emergence of new technologies and constantly evolving communication mediums and wishes to enable such new media to be used to benefit the sport and its participants. The benefits can be instantaneous due to the immediate nature of social media communication to an appropriate audience using all available social media forums. However, participants within the sport need to be mindful of key points whilst using this immediate form of communication that could possibly lead to its inappropriate Remember once comments are made and/or published they are, and remain, in the public forum for a long time and are difficult, or impossible, to retract – once published you lose control of your comments.

In the light of the above please consider very carefully before you circulate anything which may contravene the actual, or the spirit, of the CTSASA Social Media Policy. Be respectful to others when making any statement on social media and be aware that you are personally responsible for all communications which will be published on the internet for anyone to see which may then result in legal proceedings being initiated against you by an individual. Action may also result under either the CTSASA Complaints Procedure or Disciplinary Code of Conduct.

To download this document, click HERE

American Trap (ATA – Amateur Trapshooting Association) A discipline in Clay Target Shooting where a single trap is used to release a clay. The squad of five shooters stand in a line behind the trap and each take it in turn to shoot at a target released from the trap. Each shooter will eventually shoot at 5 targets from each stand.

Battue (Plate)  Special type of flat target used in all forms of sporting English Sporting (known as Sporting Clays in the USA), 5-Stand Sporting, Sportrap and FITASC Sporting

Battue Plate

Bead Generally a small white, round object which is situated on the very end of the barrel on top of the rib. It is used as almost a subconscious ‘sight’ for the shooter. Sometimes there is another bead in the middle of the rib as an additional sight to help you line up the front bead and your eye.

Broken The state of the gun when not in use, i.e. the chambers are visibly empty and the barrels are not closed up to the stock. Guns should always be in this condition unless one is on the shooting-stand ready to shoot.

The ammunition used to break the clay. A cartridge contains a primer to ignite the shot powder which propels the lead shot out of the gun. Cartridges vary in their weight (in Clay Target Shooting we use from 24gm to 36gm) and in their shot size (from 2mm to 2.5mm diameter).

Choke The narrowing or constriction at the end of the barrel to either widen or narrow the pattern of shot as it leaves the gun.

All shooters who participate in National and Provincial Championships will get classified according to their ability. Classes are: A, B, and C. Further categories are: Ladies, Veterans, Juniors and Colts. The shooter’s scores are used to provide calculations on which their classification is based.

Clay Target The round dish shaped target made of pitch and lime varies in sizes from 60mm through to 110mm. Varies in colour – can be black, orange, white or pink.

Double When a shooter must shoot at two targets (i.e. one shot at each target). They can be sent out simultaneously (two targets released from two different traps at the same time – one on each trap), following pair (i.e. one after the other along the same trajectory) or on report (the second target is thrown immediately the first shot has been fired at the first target).  Two targets can also be loaded on one trap that has one (or two) ‘arms’ and thrown as a simultaneous pair – this would be from a manual trap.

DTL Down-The-Line Trap – a variation on ATA Trap.  Scoring is 3 points for a kill, 2 for a second barrel kill and zero for lost.  The angles of the targets are slightly different from ATA Trap.

Ear Defenders It is important to protect the ears from damage from the loudness of the cartridge being fired. Ear protection takes the form of either sponge plugs/plastic plugs which are inserted into the ear, or earphones which cover the whole ear.   Ear protection is compulsory in all shooting disciplines.

English Sporting A discipline which uses sporting clays (normals, minis, battues, rabbits, super-mins) where the shooter can call for the target with the shotgun already in the shoulder.  This event is generally shot over 10 stands of 10 targets on each stand.  Each stand will have two targets thrown in a pair.  The shooter will shoot at five pairs, each pair being the same combination.  Sometimes stands can have 3 or 4 pairs – it depends upon the numbers of shooters participating.  The more stands, the more variety of pairs!

Rabbit Clay

Etiquette Shooters respect for fellow shooters.  Shooters may not touch another person’s firearm unless given permission by the owner.  Guns are carried broken at all times.  Guns are not pointed at anything except targets or down range.  Shooters must wait until the last person has finished shooting before moving off the range.

F.I.T.A.S.C. Federation Internationale de Tir Aux Armes Sportives de Chasse – the international governing body for F.I.T.A.S.C. Sporting and F.I.T.A.S.C. Universal Trench.

F.I.T.A.S.C. Universal Trench See “Trench”.

F.I.T.A.S.C. Sporting A type of sporting discipline where targets are shot in rounds of 25 or 20 over 3 or 4 stands.  Each stand will have a different sequence of singles and doubles (pairs).  The shooter must not mount the gun to the shoulder until the target has been called for and is visible to the shooter.  The gun must remain at 25cm below the shoulder until the target can be seen.

Glasses It is compulsory for all shooters to wear eye protection from stray fragments of clay or burn powder. Good glasses will also help the shooter to see clays more easily by cutting down glare from the sun, or brightening up a dull day.

Gun Fit Very important for all shooters to have their gun “fitted”to them. It ensures that the sight picture the shooter sees is perfectly straight and that the gun does not ‘kick’ when used.

Kill/Lost When a target is hit (i.e. more than a visible piece is seen to come off the clay in flight) it is announced as a “kill”. Americans also use the word “dead”. If, when a target has been fired at and missed, it is referred to as “lost” or “zero”.

Lead Or sometimes referred to as “forward allowance”- the amount of space which you shoot in front/ below/ on top of a clay in order to break it. Remember that you shoot where the clay is going and not where it is.

No-Target Often referred to as No-Bird – is when a target comes out of the trap broken; is the wrong trajectory or when the shooter commits an offence.

Minimum Qualifying Score The score required in order to qualify to take up a Quota Place in the Olympics.

NSSA Skeet
A variation on English Skeet – the targets are slight faster (but not as fast as Olympic Skeet) and instead of shooting a pair of targets on station four, the “duck” station is used (station 8).

Olympic Skeet A form of skeet where the targets are faster, the gun must rest on the crest of the hip-bone until the target appears (only then can you mount the gun to the shoulder and fire) and you have a possible delay of anything between  0 and 3 seconds between the time you call Pull! until the target appears.

Olympic Trap
See “Trench”.

Olympic Double-Trap See “Trench”.

On Report In all forms of sporting clay disciplines, this term is used when the shooter first shoots at one target and then on the firing of the first shot, the next target is released.

Over & Under A shotgun where one barrel sits on top of the other, joined together by “side ribs.”

Pull! The command the shooter issues when he is ready for the clay to be released. Some shooters call “ready”, others just grunt! Some Americans call “hup”!

Quota Place A place in the Olympics earned by a shooter for his/her country.

Rafale In FITASC Sporting, the term used for two targets sent from an automatic trap one immediately after the other – known in English as a ‘following pair’.

Range The place where shooting takes place.

Rib The flat piece of metal on top of the barrels. It is non-reflective so that there is no glare to distract the shooter when mounting the shotgun to shoot.

Rocket Special type of thick, heavy target used in all forms of sporting clay disciplines.

Round Generally 25 targets are shot per round.  Olympic Double-Trap is shot in rounds of 30.

Scoring All scoring in Clay Target Shooting (with the exception of what is known as Down The Line) is 1 point per target hit. All scores are listed out of 25 and then out of the total targets for the competition. A competition is generally either out of 100 or 200 targets, therefore listed within that result will be either four scores out of 25, or eight scores out of 25.  Olympic disciplines are scored out of 125 for Olympic Skeet and Olympic Trap and Olympic Double-Trap is 150 targets.

Semi-Automatic Shotgun  This type of shotgun is ideal for someone who shoots a lot; for someone of a slight build or for a young person.  The reason being is that it delivers very little recoil.  It is a single-barreled shotgun where you can insert two cartridges in the breech.  The recoil from the firing of the first cartridge loads the second cartridge.  It is very important for the shooter to adhere to the safe carrying of this type of shotgun.  The semi-auto should be carried with the barrel pointing upwards, breech open and facing forwards and the shotgun unloaded otherwise it can be safely carried unloaded in a normal gun bag.


Shooting Vest Normally a sleeveless jacket with pockets to hold cartridges and a leather patch on the shoulder from which the shooter will shoot. The leather patch absorbs some recoil and allows the gun to slip into the shoulder easily.

Shotgun A shotgun is the firearm used in Clay Target Shooting, It is a smooth-bore weapon. Please note that we do not use RIFLES – a rifle is a very different firearm. The difference is that a shotgun uses a cartridge filled with lead pellets, whereas a rifle uses a single projectile. Further, the barrel of a rifle is “spiralled’ so that the projectile (bullet) is sent spinning as it travels through the barrel.

Side Ribs Metal pieces which hold barrels together.

Side-by-Side A shotgun where the barrels (two of them) sit side by side is not ideal for competitive Clay Target Shooting, but can be used for non-serious shooting or field shooting.

Single When a shooter shoots at one clay only.

Sporting Clays Different types of targets are used to simulate live game shooting. Therefore, virtually any trajectory, speed or angle can be used.  The clay types are normal, mini (called a ‘midi’ in Europe), super-mini, battue (plate), rocket, rabbit.

Squad Refers to the group of shooters who shoot a round of clays or a competition.

Stand The position from where the shooter will fire his shots.

Straight 25 When a shooter scores 25 out of 25 it is referred to as a “Straight 25”.  Straight 50’s, 75’s and 100’s are also recorded and members can purchase badges to sew onto their shooting jackets which reflect their achievement.

Swing Used to refer to the movement of the gun when the shooter shoots. It is important to have a smooth swing (as in golf.)  The trigger should be pulled during the swing and not at the end of the swing.

Trap The machine which launches the clay into the air.

Trench There are three disciplines in this group which use a combination of 15 traps, 5 traps or 2 traps. All traps are concreted into a “trench” situated in front of the shooters. Olympic Trap and Olympic Double-Trap are in this group.  The other discipline is F.I.T.A.S.C Universal Trench which uses 5 traps out of the 15.

ISSF International Shooting Sport Federation – the international shooting union which governs Olympic shooting.

Umpires The Umpire in Clay Target Shooting is responsible for judging whether the targets are “killed” or “lost” and for applying the rules of the relevant shooting discipline. Rules do vary between each discipline, so it is encumbent upon each shooter to know his rules.   Umpires are called “judges” in the ISSF.  Also called ‘referees’ in the American disciplines.

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