Club Administration

This page contains the following administration information for CTSASA Registered Clubs:

  •  Renewing your CTSASA members’ subscriptions with the CTSASA
  •  Individual CTSASA Membership Application Form plus how a new member can sign up online
  •  Temporary Membership (for individuals)
  •  Members who wish to transfer province
  •  Club Update Form (to send your new details to the CTSASA)
  •  Competition Administration link – for clubs hosting CTSASA championships

Club form to renew individual CTSASA memberships (for those members who are not renewing online)

  • Please use the above form to list the individual CTSASA members that you are renewing with the CTSASA.
  • Please send this form (NOT your club database) to the CTSASA at .
  • Please do not scan the form or export to PDF.
  • Please send in the open file in Excel format.  Thank you!

Individual Membership Application Form

Please use the above form to enrol a new individual member to the CTSASA.

Sign up a new member online

New members may also sign up online – it’s quick and easy!  New members can use a credit card or instant EFT.  Use the link


The procedure for clubs for registering Temporary Members (including downloading the TEMPORARY MEMBER REGISTRATION FORM) is on this link :

  • If a new shooter signs up as a Temporary Member online, then everything is automated as follows:
    • The new Temporary Member can pay with either credit card or instant EFT via Payfast
    • The new Temporary Member will receive an email receipt plus a welcome letter
    • He/she will be able to immediately enter a CTSASA competition (only provincial championships – a Temporary Member cannot shoot an SA championship)
    • Confirmation of the new Temporary Member will be sent to the CTSASA email
  • If the new shooter wants to submit a written application form:
    • If the club is handling this paperwork, then the new Temporary Member must pay the R200 fee to the club.
    • The club must send in the Temporary Membership form to
    • It is VITAL that the Temporary Membership application form is sent to the CTSASA – this is to comply with our insurance policy, our constitution and to make sure that the details of the person are on our system in order to log their scores etc

Members who wish to Transfer their Province

All full members of the CTSASA must be a member of a registered CTSASA club in their province and be registered with their CTSASA provincial CTSA.  Members may choose to transfer province if they move physical residence or if they wish to shoot for a different province.  During the month of January any member can transfer for any reason.  A member may transfer at anytime if they move physical residence.  During the months from February to December, if a member wishes to transfer province without moving physical residence, then there is a R2000 transfer fee to pay.

Read the Provincial Transfer rules and download the Transfer Application Form here

Club Update Form (to update your club’s details with the CTSASA office)

Competition Administration – for clubs hosting CTSASA championships