Centurion Gun Club, Pretoria
5th/6th November 2016
Enquiries : Adriaan van Jaarsveld : 083 680 4578 : adriaanvanjaarsveld@gmail.com
Paid up members : All competitors must be fully paid up members of the CTSASA, which includes their registered CTSASA club and their provincial CTSA. The on-line competition entry system will not allow an unpaid member to register their entry. Please contact your registered club with any membership queries you may have.
Applicable Rules : Please note that it is the sole responsibility, and duty, of the competitor to be fully conversant with all the relevant rules. All the rulebooks are available on this web site.
Squadding : The Host Club will always endeavour to squad competitors in all the disciplines they have requested. However, due to time and range constraints, this may not always be possible.
Shooting Timetable : At all times, the onus is on the competitor to ensure he/she knows when they are shooting.
Eye & Ear Protection is Mandatory in all disciplines : This is a local South African law which governs all SABS certified shooting ranges.
Please note that this championship is held over 200 targets. Competitors who shoot one day only are not eligible for prizes/medals.
English Sporting – 200 targets – Saturday/Sunday
English Sporting – 100 targets – Saturday
English Sporting – 100 targets – Sunday
100 targets – R500 200 targets – R1000
100 targets – R450 200 targets – R900
The entries for this competition have closed.